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School Council


Children were asked to write a short application to be considered for School Council. They answered questions covering their skills as well as their ideas for school improvement. The early meetings have covered a range of ideas for trips and carrying volunteer work in the village community. The School Council would also like to work with the PTA and school governors to consider their impact on the school community.


Children were elected to the School Council by their peers. The Council worked with the PTA to fund new outdoor seating benches for the children to use on the playground. These were sourced locally to minimise the environmental impact of the purchase as Councillors considered their carbon footprint. School Council also liaised with school leaders to identify ways to improve the energy efficiency of the school building. As a result, the school sourced new LED throughout the entire building and we are delighted with the results.


All children in school have been encouraged to apply to join the new school council. An application form has been sent home to be returned by Wednesday 15th September with short interviews being held on Thursday 16th. This year, the school council will agree the focus of their work at their first meetings.

Click here for the School Council application form

Click here to read the School Council parent letter



Children researched a range of playtime equipment to enhance the provision available to them at break and lunch times. Supported by a donation from the PTA, the children placed orders and now enjoy the range of equipment we have on the playground. Children joining the school are always impressed by the resources available at break times. After learning to skip, some of the children have now started to teach adults how to do 'cross-overs' when skipping.



Children nominated themselves for the School Council and names were selected from a hat. 3 members of each class make up the School Council and they meet with the Headteacher.

School council have been consulted on a new Behaviour Policy. Initially, councillors brought their own ideas to the Headteacher and then agreed to consult with the class. Feedback has been given to the Headteacher for adults in school to review. A new Behaviour Policy is expected to be prepared in December 2019.

School council held a 'Design a bin' competition for the whole school. The winners were selected and now have their designs on the playground bins.



Children voiced their manifesto to their peers before elections took place to elect the School Council. 2 members of each class made up the School Council to meet with the Headteacher.

School council worked with the Headteacher to design improvements to outdoor spaces. This included The Castle and Forest School Area.

This was the first school council to help design the school menu. A range of choices was given to the councillors and they selected a menu after consulting their peers. School council visited another local Church of England School to share their ideas for leading aspects of Collective Worship.